How to Build a Loving and Strong Sibling Bond

 Have you ever noticed that your children enjoy each other’s company? Or are they comfortable with each other or more likely to argue or fight? 

If not, then you must pay attention to the details. The child life specialists in CA suggest that parents play a crucial role in establishing a good sibling bond. This is so because after a fight between any of them, they call out for you guys, and it is dependent on the mom-dad on how they solve the issue. 

As a parent, if you justify their abnormal fights by saying that these two are different from each other, it is evident that they should fight, then it is not valid. 

No matter how different your children are from each other, it is your duty as a parent to ensure that they have a healthy relationship between them. 

If you’re finding difficulty in establishing one, then try to follow the below-given tips. 

1. Address the issue of the fight 

Every time they come to you after the fight, then analyze the reason behind it. Are they fighting for everyday stuff like why you took my pen or wore that dress, or is the issue serious, such as why parents give you more attention? Also, with that, notice the frequency of fights; do they fight regularly or occasionally? If their arguments are regular & violent, then there is an issue that is hidden from you. 

2. Don’t compare 

Comparison between the siblings develops an inferiority complex between them, and the end reason is hatred. Often comparison between the siblings is all about looking at how good your brother is or seeing how well behaved your sister is?

You need to understand that every child is different & unique in each way. Let them be whatever they want, and your focus must be on their excellent development rather than making a comparison. 

3. Encourage them to enjoy each other’s company

Your children’s interests may or may not differ, and this is not a point to worry about. Rather than forcing your children to make their interests similar, teach them to take an interest in each other’s hobbies. This way, they will be learning about each other better & enjoy each other’s company as well. 

4. Treat them equal 

No comparison is not the solution. If you want your kids to have a good sibling bond, you must treat/ love them equally. 

For example, you can’t think this way that “oh, my first child is old enough to take care of his little brother,” so let’s not put him to the daycare in Sierra Madre as this way your older child might feel a burden on her.

5. Teach them about family’s importance

Nowadays, kids prefer friends over family & at any cost, that practice shouldn’t be encouraged. Tell kids about the family values & also the importance of having one. Families are there to share your sorrow and happy days, and you’re lucky that you got one & also, make them realize that no relationship in the world can match up the love & support of a family. 


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