How to Tackle Child Anxiety without Any Hassle

 When we are afraid, a part of our brain, to encounter that fearful situation will cause nervous feeling which we call anxiety. Anxiety is natural and we all experience it at times. But feeling anxious all the time and in every situation can be regarded as a disorder. Children also may suffer from this disorder like adults of their family say, preschool caregivers.

Causes of this anxiety can be various – biological factors, family factors, and environmental factors. In our brain, some chemicals send messages back and forth according to the feeling of a person. When serotonin and dopamine – two important chemicals go out of order, anxiety may happen. Children also can inherit their parents’ anxiety through genes like any other things like the color of the hair or eyes, features, etc. Moreover, they learn anxiety from parents or other family members. A traumatic experience like disturbed family life, chronic illness, or death of a dear one also can trigger anxiety in a child.

Childhood anxiety can worsen the life of a child if it is left untreated and it can harm both the physical and mental health of children. Caregivers of a preschool at San Marino, CA think that it is important to differentiate between normal anxiety and anxiety disorder. For example fear of spiders, bugs, monsters, homework, etc. are common but when this normal fear gradually overcast the child’s brain it is regarded as a disorder. This disorder should be eliminated from the life of a child with proper care and measure. Symptoms of children’s anxiety are irritability, fatigue, sweating, high pressure, muscle ache, headache, dizziness, and many more things.

None of us want to see our children unhappy. So, when parents watch overanxious children, even the parents can fall into a negative cycle. They become confused, puzzled, and helpless to tackle this disorder. Some helpful advice came from preschool teachers at a workshop on children's anxiety in a school in San Marino, CA, to tackle child anxiety successfully.

Preschool experts suggest parents not to eliminate anxiety, but to help a child to manage it. Avoid a lot of assurance; instead, train them to be bold and to encounter the reverse situation of life. This training helps a lot. Anxiety will decrease gradually.

Do not avoid things just because your children become anxious or afraid of this because avoiding may give temporary relief but will not work in the long run. Suppose your child feels anxious to join a swimming class. It is not that you will stop her swimming lesson. Let him or her face swimming regularly. Your child may cry for a few days at the initial stage. Stay calm in front of your children. But, gradually your children become accustomed to it. Fear of swimming will go away forever.

Do not misbehave with your child, scold them or criticize your children by saying that their anxiety or fear is unrealistic. As a parent, your responsibility is confidence building in your child.

With proper care and handling anxiety disorder of children are go away within several months. But, instead of that, if it persists, do not hesitate to consult a physician.


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