Brain Gym Exercise For Kids

 When the brain and body both develop well, then the child can also develop well. With the physical growth of your child, you need to focus on their brain development along with their physical development. As parents, it is your responsibility to try some activities or exercise for better brain health. To make your journey here easier, we have mentioned some gym exercises for your baby brain.

Let's read them out carefully:

Cross Crawls

Your children's excessive stress can be reduced by doing this activity, which also helps them focus better.

Your child must swap sides by moving their right arm to their left leg.

Your child's focus and coordination will improve thanks to this deliberate, slow lateral action.

Marching in place

A great method to warm up your muscles is to march in place. This light to medium-intensity activity warms up your muscles and enhances breathing, balance, and hand-to-leg coordination.

Steps for Marching In

  • Look ahead as you stand straight with your knees hip-width apart, shoulders rolled back, and chest raised. Your right knee should be barely bent as you lift your right leg. Gently place your right leg on the ground.
  • Lean forward and gently flex your left knee. Gently place your left leg on the ground.
  • Try it 30 times. If you find it challenging to march without assistance, you can use a chair.

Deep Breathing

The majority of experts advise using this practice to lessen classroom anxiety.

  • Kids should cross their legs and scrunch up their toes.
  • With the palms pressed together, extend the wrists forward.
  • Put your palms on your chest.
  • As you maintain that position for about 30 seconds, take five full breaths.
  • Take five more breaths, uncross the thighs, relax the arms, and uncurl the toes.

Lazy Eight’s

For this activity, your kid must use their hands to draw a figure eight either on paper or in the air. This encourages your kid to be creative while also relaxing the muscles in his arms and wrists. Additionally, it enhances peripheral vision and eye-muscle synchronization.

Active Arm

To maintain the position of the stretched arm during this exercise, your child must hold the other arm at a right angle. Your child's upper-body power will increase as a result, and their hand-eye coordination will also improve.


Exercises for the brain gym are easy activities that enhance cognitive performance. These exercises improve children's learning, communication skills; attention, memory, scholastic success, and overall health are all improved by these exercises. For busy parents, we have started daycare in Duarte, CA. You can choose us if you are looking for the same. We have a team to offer your child the best care and teach them well for their better future.


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