How To Tackle Obesity Among Pre-schoolers

 Childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in developed as well as in developing countries. Overweight and obesity in childhood have a direct impact on both the physical and psychological growth of the children. It has become a serious medical condition that affects preschool-going children as well as adolescents. It is regarded as a problem not only because it looks bad and hampers free movement, but it is because these extra pounds invite various health problems that were once considered adult problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

A recent study in the San Marino, CA shows that worldwide obesity has been nearly tripled since 1975. Most of the world’s population live in countries where overweight and obesity kill more people than underweight. Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health as well as it can lead to poor self-esteem and depression.

Obesity may cause due to several reasons. The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Increase intake of sugar, carbohydrate and fat may lead to obesity. Apart from those environmental factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural environment play pivotal roles in the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide.

Foods like sugar-sweetened beverages, potato chips, sweets, desserts, refined grains, processed meats, and red meats cause weight gain. Children by nature are fond of these foods especially chips, sweets, and soft drinks. They contain huge calories and regular intake of these foods in limitless amounts may create obesity. The matter does not end there. Modern children like indoor activities a thousand times more than outdoor activities. Children like to spend their maximum time in front of a tab, cell phone, and laptop. The coronavirus pandemic has increased the amount of screen time they are enjoying daily as the screen became almost the only thing to keep them busy inside the house. Schools were also doing distant online classes due to this pandemic.

Childhood obesity has become a matter of concern among parents. While lecturing on childhood obesity and its consequences, a dietician in a Daycare in San Marino, CA, says that obesity, as well as its related health hazards can be prevented by instilling a few disciplines and good food habits among children. Keep your child stay away from sugary beverages because it increases BMI. Instead of giving them readymade bottled sweet drinks, add fresh fruits to the juicer and make fresh juice for them. Eating the whole fruit or drinking juice along with its pulp is much better than drinking strained juice because of roughage. Studies show that another factor that is responsible for child obesity is excessive snacking of the child. Snack foods include chips, baked goods, and candy. Parents are requested to use their innovative brains and a little extra time to make homemade snacks for their kids. These snacks are yummy as well as nutritious.

Research on different children of the USA shows that portion sizes have increased drastically in the past decade. Consuming large portions, in addition to frequent snacking on highly caloric foods contribute to excessive caloric intake. This energy imbalance can cause weight gain and consequently obesity.

A sedentary lifestyle is directly linked to obesity. Each additional hour of screen time per day increases the prevalence of obesity by 2%. The increased amount of time spent in sedentary behaviours has decreased the amount of time spent in physical activity. Do encourage them in exercises, outdoor games, trekking, hiking, swimming, etc.  Not all children, carrying extra pounds are overweight. Some children have larger body frames than average body and children normally carry a different amount of body fat at the various stages of development. You may consult your child’s physician to figure out whether your child is overweight and could pose health problems.


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