Child Discipline Strategies for Foster or Adopted Kids

 Did you know that foster parents are not allowed to use corporal punishment with foster children? They can try other techniques to discipline their foster kids instead of using corporal punishment as many children may have past experiences of abuse and neglect.

It has been seen that foster parents often have to manage the difficult behavior issues of their adopted kids. If kids have endured any abuse or neglect in the past, they tend to express their feelings true behavior. If you are a foster parent and looking for some effective ideas that would help you to discipline your adopted kids, you have reached the right place. Here Child care teachers have shared some discipline techniques that may help you manage your foster child’s behavior.


It is often helpful to distract children's undesirable behavior with redirection. For example, if you see your foster child is pestering a sibling, try to redirect the child’s attention to a different activity in another room. You can even engage the child in performing some household chores together with you.

Ignore the behavior:

Many parents find it very difficult but ignoring some of your foster child’s unexpected behavior would help you to understand him better. You need to make sure that the behavior that you are ignoring is not dangerous to the child or others. Initially, you can try this technique and give him some time to adjust to the new family setup. Once he feels comfortable with you, you can talk to him about the behavior expected in the family.

Talk with the child and try to understand his feelings:

This is one of the easiest ways to work with children’s behavior. You can talk to your foster kids and encourage them to share their feelings with you. This type of conversation will help you understand the reasons behind their unexpected behavior and most probably you will be able to help them.

Family meetings:

If you are parents to adopted kids, make sure you are arranging family get-togethers at least once a week. These get together will provide kids the opportunity to mingle with other family members. Plan for some fun where everybody can participate and get along with each other. You need to provide enough time and opportunities to your kids as well as to other family members so that they know each other well.

According to the Duarte, CA child care experts, working with foster children's behavior is a very important part of foster or adoptive parenting and many parents do not find it quite pleasant. But parents to walk this path as it is is probably one of the most important strategies of helping children and families get back on track. As adults, parents can help their foster children manage their behaviors and understand why they do the things they do. You can use these child discipline techniques to manage your foster children’s behavior and help them understand the difference between right and wrong.


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