Ingredients You Need To Include In A Vegan Diet For Your Baby

Are you vegetarian? Then most probably you would also like your children to follow the same food habits like yours. Children who consume nutritious vegan diets, not only grow up to be strong and healthy but also have a lower risk of developing obesity. But according to the childcare experts of Childcare Sierra Madre, CA, if you want your child to follow a vegan diet, you should start from the beginning. The best vegan newborn formulas should contain the ingredients that should have the following nutrients. Vitamin D Though the human body produces vitamin D on its own, you can still give it to your baby. Vitamin D ensures that the bones absorb calcium and have healthy growth. You can opt for either Vitamin D supplements or foods that are rich in vitamin D. Babies under the age of 1 year, need 400 IU of Vitamin D supplements per day but if your baby is somewhere in between 1 and 3 years, then he needs 600 IU per day. Vitamin B12 Many of you must be knowing that Vitamin B12 is essent...