White Patches On Children’s Face – Causes And Some Home Remedies

If you are a parent of a toddler, you may have seen some white patches on your child's skin which is quite common among children. Though there are no reasons to be worried about this, it will be always good if you know the causes and some home remedies of these white patches.

Below, caregivers of Childcare Duarte, CA, have discussed some of the common causes of white patches on a child’s face.

  • Vitamin deficiency is a very common reason for the appearance of the white patches on children’s skin. Vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of melanin and deficiency in this vitamin can lead to these white spots.
  • In many cases, it has been observed that these spots are nothing but children's birthmark. In such cases, there is no need to be worried.
  • Tenia Versicolor/ Pityriasis Versicolor is a fungal infection caused by Malassezia. This fungus affects the children by producing and acid which will interfere with the melanin production inside the body and causing white spots on their skin.
  • Vitiligo is another skin condition that causes some white patches on children’s body and sometimes scares many parents, but they are harmless. 
  • You may see some white Spots on your little one’s body which can be caused by some injury/ burn/ worm infection.

Home remedies to treat white spots on your child’s body:

  • You can use a broad-spectrum sunscreen on your child’s body before he goes out during the day.
  • Ensure that they eat a healthy balanced diet, with lots of vegetables, fruits, and proteins.
  • Though it is not proved that worms cause patches, but according to the caregivers of Childcare Duarte, CA there is no harm in deworming the child every six months.
  • In case the white patches are caused for some fungal infection, you can consult your pediatrician and use a good antifungal cream which will work against the infection.

Although these white patches are harmless, sometimes, they could also be dangerous. It is always advisable to consult a good pediatrician if you see the following symptoms along with the patches:

  • Severe itching or irritation.
  • Any alteration in the color of the spots; sometimes it may turn red.
  • Loss of sensitivity on that particular area of skin.


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